St. Mary's Stained Glass Windows

Just one of the many parish projects underway at the dawn of the new Church Year is the preservation of St. Mary’s exquisite stained glass windows. Not only is work being done to ensure the integrity of the stained-glass by making necessary repairs, but the outer protective coverings are also being replaced with tempered glass so that we can actually see the beauty of the windows from outside of the building! This project makes us even more aware of the works of art that enhance our historic church building.  After nearly a year in the works, the project is almost complete.

Our parishioner, Jane McMillin, has begun to research the history of the windows and is writing about them so that we can all better appreciate them.  An award-winning journalist who specializes in historical feature writing, she also holds an art history degree with a focus in Medieval art from the University of Texas at Austin. As she completes her articles, we will feature them in upcoming editions of our newsletter The Messenger, and also here on our website. The first article is about The Annunciation window (click the link below to view) ... we will post additional articles as they become available.



The Resurrection


The Annunciation